Author: Sal Shimy

Image looking up at tall skyscrapers and the sky

Intro to Business

Interested in studying business? It’s a versatile program choice that leads to a multitude of career options, and there are...

Pencil erasing the word impossible

Why Take a Business Class?

Are you facing career or life challenges? Still deciding on a career pathway? Looking to gain essential life skills, like how to solve a problem or prioritize resources? By...


2020 Vision

Glasses. Contact lenses. LASIK. We do what it takes to achieve 20/20 vision so we can see things more clearly....

Image of sign that says registration

Success is a Behavior

There’s a reason you’re reading this post. Are you curious? Are you looking to succeed? Either way, congratulations for clicking!...

Students posing for photo with EFSC building behind them

Academic Success 101

The Eastern Florida State College Student Affairs departments provide many resources to support the academic success of our students. Here...