Faces on Campus: Winter Break Edition

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Final exams are finished for the semester, and now you can relax, spend time with loved ones, and recharge for the new year.

The Student Life Coordinators in EFSC’s Office of Student Life know first-hand just how much work goes into finishing strong. They worked hard during Fall Term to make sure students had ways to be engaged on campus, learn leadership skills, and connect with other students, faculty, and staff. They also know the best ways to unwind. I asked them to share their plans, favorite holiday traditions, and some words of wisdom on how to make the most of winter break. Here’s what they had to say:

Winter Break Plans

Ancel Robinson, Jr. (Palm Bay Campus) plans to camp for three days and take a break from technology by surviving in the woods among nature. However, he says he will still have his phone to play Pokémon GO because he’s gotta catch them all! But that’s only three days of a two-week break, so he also has some home projects planned, including making his new pet shed solar-energy-dependent.

Rhonda Morelock (Melbourne Campus) says she will start by taking a few days to do nothing and relax. Then, she’ll head home to North Carolina for time with family, and she’ll travel to Arizona to visit a friend who recently moved there.

Dana Arace (Cocoa and Titusville Campuses) will take her family to visit the beautiful city of St. Augustine for the first time—even though she has lived in Florida her entire life! She heard it’s beautiful during Christmas, and that is true. If you’ve never been there around the holidays, I highly recommend it. You’ll see the most beautiful display of Christmas lights around.

Holiday Traditions

This time of year brings feelings of nostalgia as we remember past Christmases and family traditions. Ancel’s favorite tradition is cooking the food because “food brings people together [and] makes or breaks the holiday gathering.” It’s also a great time for lively conversations full of updates—all the “tea amongst family and friends.”

Rhonda, her father, and grandfather all exchange what they call a food box. “It’s kind of like a stocking, but we each have a shoebox covered in wrapping paper that we use each year. The contents are transferred to a grocery bag to take home, and the boxes all stay at my dad’s house with the other Christmas decorations. Criteria is not strictly limited to food, and potential items include candy, Cheez Whiz, coffee, postage stamps, and tape.”

Make It Count

How can you make the most of your winter break? Our Student Life leaders have some expert advice:

“Take time for yourself. Time management is always an issue. Get a planner and start filling in the days to better manage your time. Reflect on your goals and remember what you are doing all this for.” -Ancel

“Think about some of the times you didn’t meet a goal or achieve a desired outcome over the past year and write down all the reasons why not. Whether each reason was due to a direct action/inaction on your part or totally the result of external forces, come up with some things you would do differently to ensure the desired outcome in the future. Think critically about what you’re doing now that either enables or prohibits success and amplify those positive traits to replace bad habits with good ones. Don’t wait for New Year’s to start your resolutions; start now!” -Rhonda

“Put down your phone and talk to your family, especially your elders! Check in on your people! Don’t put yourself into debt buying people material things but offer your time and help with something. Also take some time for yourself, get some fresh air, see something beautiful, and get yourself organized. New year, better you!” -Dana

The possibilities are endless, but however you choose to spend your break, all of us here at Eastern Florida State College hope you’ll stay happy and safe—and we’ll see you in the new year!

Tracy Glidden
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