Resources You Didn’t Know Were in the Academic Success Centers and Writing Centers

You may have heard an Eastern Florida State College employee speak in your classrooms about our Academic Success Centers or Writing Centers. If so, you know we offer free tutoring for your EFSC math, writing, science, business, and computer courses. But did you know that our centers offer many other resources as well?

1. Computers

In our centers, you have access to computers, where you can work on your papers and research, or MyMathLab, Hawkes, and ALEKs. If you happen to have a question about your assignments, you can request help from the tutors, who may periodically stop by to check on your progress.

2. Printers

Once you finish your paper or find that perfect resource, you can use the printers in our centers to print it out. This helps you get ready to turn in your assignment for class or to work with a tutor on a printed copy.

3. Homework Stations

In addition to computers, our centers have desks and tables, where you can sit and read your homework or work on assignments, such as your science labs. And remember: tutors are available if you have questions or need clarification as you work.

4. Study Rooms

If you would like a quiet place to work on your assignments or if you need a place to work with your group project team, you can use one of our study rooms. These are also ideal for practicing speech presentations!

5. Whiteboards

During tutoring sessions, you and your tutor may use whiteboards to write out math equations. On your own time, you’re welcome to use these boards for your assignments or group projects, either in our centers themselves or in a study room.

6. Handouts

If you need writing resources, workshop information, or a tutor’s business card, stop by and see what handouts our centers have available. The tutors can also point you to resources online, such as our LibGuides or YouTube videos.

7. Free Books

Sometimes our centers set out carts with books that can help you further develop your college skills. They’re free for you to take, so don’t hesitate to peruse them!

8. Puzzles

Taking breaks is important. That’s why we have puzzles available in the Melbourne Writing Center. You may even decide to chat with a tutor while you’re there, and they can help you when you’re ready to start your work again.

The Bottom Line

While some of these resources vary by campus or semester, the Academic Success Centers and Writing Centers have much more than tutoring to offer. That said, if you’d like to take advantage of tutoring when you stop by, consider making an appointment for either a face-to-face or virtual session. Success is our middle name, and remember: if you have questions, we’re just an email away!

Amy Covel

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