20 Minutes Can Change Your Life

Imagine that spending 20 minutes writing about yourself could change your life forever. Would you do it? That’s about how long it takes to fill out a Titan Scholarships application, which can help you pay for college. Who wouldn’t want to?

At Eastern Florida State College, we offer a very simple way to apply for Titan Scholarships. After applying to EFSC, you’ll receive a student number, also referred to as your B number. Use it to log in to myEFSC, and from there, click on the Titan Scholarships icon to take you to the scholarship application. We offer hundreds of scholarships, but instead of filling out hundreds of applications, you only need to fill out one. Easy, right? We then match you to any scholarship you might qualify for.

Earning a scholarship is a great way to pay for college because this form of financial aid is considered a gift. In other words, you don’t have to pay back a scholarship like you would a loan! Every year, the EFSC Foundation helps change the lives of students through scholarships, and by filling out the application, you could be one of them. But don’t take it from me; EFSC students also have a lot to say on the matter:

After graduating from EFSC, student athlete Carina Rodriguez went on to attend UCF. Her goal is to one day become a doctor.
Stuart Braudrick earned his Engineering Technology A.S. degree while working full-time within manufacturing on the Space Coast. Scholarships helped him in the classroom and beyond.

Both Carina and Stuart took the 20 minutes to complete a Titan Scholarship application, and it ended up changing their lives forever.

You don’t have to be currently enrolled to apply for a Titan Scholarship. Admitted students are also eligible, so be sure to mark the application deadlines on your calendar. (Don’t delay! The deadline for Spring 2021 Titan Scholarships is September 30, 2020.) EFSC’s scholarship information web page always has the most up-to-date information about deadlines, requirements, and more.

For tips on applying, you can also check out our Show Me the Money! blog post, in which I talk about best practices and dispel scholarship myths, or watch this quick video to learn how to navigate the process from start to finish.

Last but not least, always remember that we’re rooting for you. Go Titans!

Tonya Cherry
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